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Managed IT Support and Cybersecurity for Businesses of All Sizes

As a real estate professional, you’re entrusted with managing one of your clients’ most valuable assets: their homes. Trust is crucial in the real estate, mortgage, and title industries, yet it’s a commodity that’s under constant threat due to escalating cyber scams.

The Scam: What You Need to Know

The scheme begins with a deceptive Facebook message warning you about alleged copyright violations. Despite appearing authentic, complete with official-sounding language and an urgent “resolve” link, it’s a trap. Clicking on that link leads you to a phishing website intended to harvest sensitive data like login credentials and financial information.

Such scams can have disastrous implications for real estate professionals who rely on platforms like Facebook for client engagement and lead generation. Consider the irreparable damage to your reputation if scammers were to use your compromised account to exploit your clients.


Tips for Staying Safe

Exercise Skepticism with Unknown Messages

Your first line of defense is skepticism. Always authenticate the identity of the sender and scrutinize the message content, particularly if it prompts you to click on a link or disclose personal details.

Verify URLs and Email Addresses

Hover your cursor over links to display the actual URL before clicking. If it appears suspicious or unrelated to the supposed sender, steer clear. A simple Google search can often confirm the legitimacy of a message.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Add an extra layer of security by enabling Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). This provides additional assurance that even if your password gets compromised, unauthorized access is still restricted.

Keep Software Up to Date

Regularly update your operating system and all security software. Developers continuously release patches to fix vulnerabilities that could be exploited by cybercriminals.

Use Robust Passwords

Opt for complex passwords comprising a mix of upper-case letters, numbers, and special symbols. Never reuse passwords across multiple accounts to minimize the risk in case one is compromised.

Take Immediate Professional Action If Compromised

If you suspect that you’ve fallen victim to a scam or hack, it’s crucial to have your computer professionally examined. Select an organization known for its qualified, trustworthy technicians. Avoid big-box service providers with limited oversight and training, as the technician will have access to potentially sensitive data.

Your Reputation is on the Line

The risks of falling for cyber scams extend beyond financial loss; your reputation as a trusted professional in real estate, mortgage, or title services could be permanently tarnished. Therefore, a robust cybersecurity posture is not just an add-on; it’s a necessity.

Being proactive in securing your digital assets can save you money, and more importantly, preserve the trust and loyalty of your clients. We highly recommend experts like Tally Ho Tech for comprehensive cybersecurity assessments and management services.

Stay vigilant and protect what you’ve worked hard to build.


Tally Ho Tech Services

If you suspect your computer has been compromised by a hacker in any way, you should immediately have it scanned and cleaned by a cybersecurity professional. Click here to order your cleaning service.

If you want to know what information is present about you and your business, it is imperative that you get a dark web scan. Order your dark web scan here.

If you want continuous monitoring of your identity so that you are aware of any vulnerabilities before a hacker can use them to exploit you, you can order that here.